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Zak and Jaël have been ministering in the Lachute area since they moved here as a couple in 2006 (Jaël has been here since 1994). They are graduates of Briercrest College and Seminary, where they met, and have been working as missionaries with BLF Canada (Bibles and Literature in French) as administrative staff since 2011. They are extending their ministry with BLF to partner with One Hope Canada as the partner-directors of Camp des Iles. They live in Lachute proper, where they homeschool their four children. They are involved in their own church as an elder (Zak), as secretary (Jaël) and are both on the worship team; as well as in the area churches as pulpit supply (Zak) and in junior youth ministry (both). They are happy that their children are old enough now to join them in camp ministry.

Camp des Iles is a ministry of One Hope Canada, is Accredited by Classification Centres de Vacances, and is a member of the Association des Camps du Quebec and Christian Camping International/Canada

Office Phone: 450 822-5697

Camp des Iles

2521 Rue du Pont

St-Andre d'Argenteuil


Tourisme Quebec  

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